Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

FAQs: General Information

Getting Started | Taking Courses | Other Questions


Getting Started

What do I need to get started taking OSHA classes?
Do I need to apply to the university in order to take OSHA classes?
Do I need a Bachelor's degree to take OSHA classes?

No... Registration in OSHA courses does not require you to apply for admission to CSUDH; there is no degree needed to get started.

Simply select the "Add to Cart" next to the course date and time that you prefer, and proceed to check out and pay to complete your registration.

How can I take classes: are they in-person only, online, or both?

Most CSUDH OTIEC classes are conducted using a dual modality model: they are both online and on campus. A small selection of courses (i.e. those requiring specialty equipment or machinery) will only be taught on campus.

Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) classes offer you the option to be physically in class (Live In-Person), or online (Live Online). The instructor presents to a live in-person class in a classroom here on the CSUDH campus, and that class is also live-streamed via Zoom to the Live Online student attendees.

Students must choose only one modality at the time of registration. Please be aware that a hybrid option is NOT available... if you sign up for one modality, you cannot switch! (For example, if you sign up for the live in-person option, you cannot show up in person for some class meetings and online for other in the same course.)

I want to take my class online... What do I need?

Per OSHA’s guidelines for VILT courses:

  • Students are required to have video capabilities and must be visible at all times to the instructor and facilitator during the class. Unfortunately, if a student cannot comply with this requirement, they will not be able to attend the class.
  • Students are required to attend all days and times in order to receive a course completion certificate and/or trainer card.
  • Students must use a desktop or laptop to participate. Tablets or phones are not allowed.

Am I eligible to take VILT OSHA classes at CSUDH OTIEC?

The VILT OSHA classes at the CSUDH OTIEC are available to anyone who lives or works in OSHA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, CNMI and American Samoa).

Additionally, students who wish to participate in OSHA–numbered courses in the online synchronous video conferencing format must have a valid physical address in Region 9, or obtain permission from their local OTIEC to attend a class outside their home region.

If you are a current Outreach Trainer with CSUDH, regardless of your residence, you are eligible to attend our Trainer Update courses.

I'm interested in a particular course... how can I see when it'll be offered?

Please review our OSHA Schedule for a linked list of upcoming courses. This list is generated a biannual basis, but is also updated daily, so check back frequently for the most up-to-date schedule.

How do I get registered?

Course registration takes place online via our new online shopping cart system.

  1. View the schedule on the course's webpage
  2. Click the Add to Cart button to the left of your preferred course(s)
    be sure to select the course offered at your preferred location:
    Live In-Person at CSUDH —OR— Live Online
  3. Proceed to Checkout by clicking the green Cart button —
    provide contact information and pay

Note: If the course you want to register for has a prerequisite, at the point of checkout, you must log in using your CSUDH campus credentials so that the system can verify that you have completed the required prerequisite course.

For further instructions regarding the checkout process, visit:

Are there payment plans available for OSHA courses?

Unfortunately, OSHA programs do not offer payment plans.

Do you offer group/company discounts?

To receive a quote for contract training, please email

What happens if I miss a course registration deadline or don't see my preferred course on the schedule?

Schedules get updated with modifications daily, so please do keep checking back for updates, or sign up for the OSHA Mailing list to stay notified.

The course I want to take has a prerequisite form required... What does this mean, and what do I do?

Certain courses may require a Prerequisite Verification Form, which is used by OSHA to determine if you are seeking to obtain a trainer authorization to conduct Outreach training and other activities, and have a minimum of five years of experience overseeing safety in the industry to which you are applying. For example, the form may ask applicants to describe their safety-related roles and responsibilities, and their knowledge of OSHA standards for their industry. Applicants may also need to provide information about their education, such as a college degree or certification.

Please follow the directions above your desired course's schedule to obtain and submit the required form. Also, please allow 5–7 business days for processing when submitting your Prerequisite Verification Forms and documentation. 

Prerequisite Verification Forms MUST be submitted no later than 10 business days prior to the start of the course! Prerequisite Verification Forms are reviewed and processed based on the start date of the applicant’s selection. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all course prerequisites have been met prior to enrolling in the course.


Taking Courses

What are my next steps now that I've purchased my course?

You will receive a confirmation email within 72 hours of your course purchase. Then you should receive an email containing all class information/login instructions one week before the class starts.

How do I access my course?

Online Students: Zoom links for classes go out approximately 4–5 business days (1 week), as well as again 1 business day before the course start date to those registered. These emails are sent out by CSUDH OSHA, not by our Registration unit. (Please contact OSHA at (310) 243-2524 or email to obtain access to the Zoom link if you have successfully registered within the week of the course starting.) 

In-person Students: You will receive an email approximately 1 week before the course start date with the classroom number, campus address, course materials, and a PDF campus map.

NOTE: All CSUDH OSHA students must be prepared to show a government issued ID on the first day of class.

Is there a study guide? Do I need to purchase any textbooks or materials?

All the course materials you need will be provided prior to the start of or during the course. Material costs are included in the total cost. 

After completing a training course, do we receive a certificate award?

Once you have successfully completed the training you will receive a course certificate of completion for that particular course automatically; these are mailed out approximately 3 weeks after course completion.

Most courses are a part of a Certificate Program Pathway which includes both required and elective courses:

Please review the Certificate Programs pages for specific requirements for earning and award pathway certificates. Once all courses in a certificate program are completed, the student will need to apply to receive that pathway certificate


Other Questions

I am seeking qualified students for job positions; can I post my position opening/description with you?

Absolutely... please send the posting to to the Director of CSUDH OSHA Training Institute Education Center.

I am a trainer - how do I get to the OSHA Card/Renewal Portal?

Please visit: 

Does CSUDH OSHA offer a Bachelor's Degree program?

CSUDH does not have a OSHA Bachelor’s degree program; however, OSHA courses taken at the CSUDH OTIEC can be applied to an online Bachelor’s degree in Occupations Safety & Health at Columbia Southern University. For further information, visit: 



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